Doesnt matter whether youre 18, 19, 20, when you and I began to think about what that looked like or even now. Immediately coming out of family rooms, Chris, youll remember this. Thats what you got to do because let me tell you something, if you become intentional in your growth, youll outgrow almost everybody you know. Its really, if youre listening to it live, some of youll listen to it. I see if we have agreement on our problem, and then Im always prepared with three suggestions to remedy the problem and then a recommendation. Because if youre leading others and have nothing to give them, nothing to share with them, nothing to teach them, then I can promise you, youll never be what you want to be as a leader. Then whats one area of skill? You every year, come out of your time and your reflection with, yes, a word of the year. 00:35:35 - This week, we've put together a very special episode for our podcast listeners! But where are you on your leadership journey, and where do you go from here? But I would say just the aspect of not just there is a chance, to quote one of the worst movies or best depending on who you are, Dumb and Dumber, but, So youre saying theres a chance. One in a million, theres still a chance. When you share your growth with someone, if theyre happy, do it the next week. My name is Mark Cole and Im excited today to wish you a Happy New Year. Our BONUS resource for this series is the Transformational Leadership Worksheet, which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John's teaching. Organized into three distinct areas, this plan is designed to help you answer three necessary questions: As you will learn in this lesson, values determine the foundation of your team. I see change as a chance to become something better. 20 plus years that you and I have been in this environment. Youll be able to grow your influence, grow your impact, grow your team, grow your communication. I want feedback. That began a growth journey that I havent seen in you in a long time. We were not completely matched up in our actions. But I went to John and I did something that I do all the time with John. Were only 18 days into this year, and I want to challenge you to get really intentional. You grow into an opportunity. Every week, find somebody that you can share your growth with, and let me tell you how this works. Im your friend. Hey, I never get tired of this subject, and I never get tired of this subject talking to it with John, 75 years young. Relevant Episode: How to Gather Great People . Hes made statements like, Once you taste significance, success will never satisfy. When we wrote this book, and we really brought a team of people around John, it was with this realization that the world is changing, but leadership is not changing with it. Weve got people, weve got about seven or eight presenters. Whether you want to create your own personal growth plan, train and develop leaders within your company or make a difference, we invite you to listen and learn. I did not have a fellow traveler. This podcast will teach you the principles, practices, and process of becoming a transformational leader because leadership isn't an eventit's an uphill journey. I said, What do you recommend that I read? About. In this ebook, learn how to equip a hybrid workforce to be just as effective as if not more than, a brick and mortar organization. How do we go from growth doesnt just happen to making growth happen? So even before I had the leadership meeting, I realized if I let George Hoskins, the leader of our nonprofit, here with all the other leaders that Im getting ready to come off the road, hes going to freak out because I have a lot of responsibility one week from the announcement in Papua New Guinea. I know that I need to be intentional in my growth, but I really dont know how to grow. Ive been there. Character - Who They Are. Listening to part one of this series was a great eye-opener for me, and it has helped my leadership. John C. Maxwell, a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker, has sold 30 million books. It starts with me. I dont think weve ever complimented one another as much as we did yesterday in that meeting. - Walt Disney. Then weve had a lot of leadership meetings with that. John Maxwell ( @JohnCMaxwell) is an author, speaker, coach, and world-renowned leadership guru He's written, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Developing the Leader Within You, Failing Forward and many other books Host: Shane Parrish ( @ShaneAParrish) Books Mentioned One of the first lessons that John Maxwell taught me, many years ago, was the "30-Second Rule". No, its not. Do the clarity and simplicity on what youre going to grow into. Add To Cart. That is my responsibility as a leader of leaders, said George, get to their heart first and then ask for their hand. What Ive also seen, and I havent mentioned this to you, but I watched you walk the fourth quarter, and then through that end of the year and the reflection. Our BONUS resource for this episode is the Get Intentional With Your Growth Worksheet, which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from Johns teaching. I dont know. I started focusing for four solid weeks, four hours a day on one thing in the morning for four hours, on what I could do from a creativity and from a problem-solving perspective that I could begin focusing on in the organization. "To change your life you need to change your priorities.". I always grow better on a personal level, at a team level because like you said, I wrote that down too. Its a little small book. Thats a skill. You want to grow in an area of choice and you want to grow in an area of skill, so thats two. Preparation, practice, reflection. Come on, theres something beautiful about a shared commitment. If you want to read it, know more about it, go follow him, Ryland Goede, number 88, University of Georgia. See What's Inside Every "Minute with Maxwell" . A young boy enters a store and, in keeping with the times, asks the store owner if he can work for him that day. I mean you can close chapters, you can open new ones, you can have this fresh zest on life and possibilities and know that every day is new. Talk to us a little bit about that, to set the stage of now what youre doing, and well talk about that in just a minute. Were talking about it to you here today. You say, I want change. Well give you that discount. Now if you would like to download our bonus resource for this episode, thats a free fill in the blank PDF that accompanies Johns lesson, you just need to go visit, and also check us out on YouTube at and leave a comment or a question. What did you learn? You better be ready to answer that question, because he just models that. Maxwell Author Picks. Its what we believe in and weve seen the growth. . You'll even hear the original values of John's organization. Were in the middle of a process right now thats driving a little bit me, maybe you too, a little bit crazy because Im ready to act and were still in the information gathering. Thank you, just what I needed to hear today. As a leader, it's inevitable that you'll face . The second one is the knowledge gap. Im going to give you a way to get a discount on it in just a moment. Maxwell Leadership exists to help you create powerful, positive change through values-based leadership, and these free episodes can get you started or keep you advancing. The 15 laws of personal growth, basically these laws are all about developing yourself and developing the second question, what are you doing to develop others? I borrowed Sharon Burchums template to create my first growth plan. A volunteer coordinator. Because when you prioritize that and this growth, and the intentionality of growth that Johns talking about here. Those successful sought out leaders embraced the following thought. If you can come up with a common root to the problem, because thatll establish common language when you begin to build this intentionality around a plan. Before you can make big change in your organization, your family, or your community, that change has to begin within you. I have been, in fact, yesterday in a leadership meeting that you and I were in, somebody brought me another book on momentum. You see, on the first question, youre foundational for your future. Lets go make powerful, positive change because everyone deserves to be led well. Its just common sense. A shared commitment becomes a strong commitment. Both of us, weve shared this a lot, even on the podcast, we both have a heritage of leadership that we were born into, and not only leadership but very public leadership. No, its not the problem, Mark. Reviews. Ill give you three of them just in this session. That means whatever you hope for for your team, organization, family, or community all starts with what you value! Ive said it, Well I sure hope things will change. Now, I just want to say under that kind of a quote, the only way things will change for me is when I change. Ive heard it said often the only guarantee in a leaders life is that somethings going to change on a daily basis. In no time, youll be back to doing what only you can do, growing your business. Our friends at BELAY, the incredible organization thats revolutionizing productivity with their virtual assistance and bookkeepers for growing businesses just like yours and mine. (0) $1,099.00. These are the things thats going to have to change. Intro Dr. John Maxwell - Do These 5 Things If You Want To Attract Better Into Your Life! And theres a world difference between those two. Well, when I first was ready to announce that, I called a leadership meeting, going to have this leadership meeting where I say, Hey guys, Im coming off the road. Before I did that, there was a meeting coming up with transformation work with our foundation in Papua New Guinea. In these assets, you will be quizzed over: How managers are supposed to lead individuals in people development. Yesterday, the way we complimented one another was staggering to me. Mahatma Gandhi said, We must be the change that we envision. Tolstoy said, Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. And the first comment I would like to make is this when one person cannot change another person. If youre watching YouTube, this guy grew 47%. I was like a plane circling an airfield trying to come in for a landing. There are two questions that if youre going to answer in a positive way about yourself, youre going to be very successful. 00:36:38 - Today is a very special episode because, for the first time ever, today's lesson will be brought to you by one of our very own Maxwell Leadership Th Ive heard you say simplify a ton of times in the last 90 days. The law of intentionality just basically says growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better. What are you doing to ensure growth in your life, to ensure change that will lead to growth? In this episode, John Maxwell shares the Law of Intentionality and challenges us to close the growth gaps in our lives. Ive read more books, not than you have, but that I did in the first couple weeks of last year because of the challenge that youre putting out with us. But maybe not. But I want to challenge you like Vance does. Before you can make big change in your organization or in your family, in your community, that change has to begin with you. Our BONUS resource for this series is the 'Why John Wooden's Team Won Worksheet," which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John's teaching. I think theres a lot of different definitions. Thanks for this incredible comment. The New Year always brings with it big ambitions, big dreams, and big change! Tie it to leadership, tie it to your growth, whatever. If its YouTube jump in. Now, let me tell you the secret on this because Im now talking about writing, Im talking about maybe journaling a little bit. If you really cannot answer that in a positive way, to be honest with you, youre not going to be near as successful as you would like to be. Visit for more information. The people that are the most effective today, people that are listening and viewing this podcast, youre writing it down. You go through that and then you make up your mind, I am going to intentionally grow. Now, talk a little bit about the next steps for you. 11 Habits of Successful Thinkers (Free Download) By John Maxwell | October 22, 2019 | 10 The setting was midwestern America during the Depression, in an average town, with ordinary people, all looking to simply survive. Were going to really put this out there for our podcast family, because youre going to be able to grow yourself. You dedicated a lot of time to it. John for years has taught theres a distinction between success and significance, and in teaching that hes talked about that success is what happens to you, significance is what happens through you. That plan that I got in one setting is a living, breathing organism that makes sense. I love Vances comment today. Im going to give you an intentional growth plan right now. You go get those jots and you say, Okay, now Im going to spend 35 minutes, Im going to start writing. John gave us an incredible growth plan here, and Im going to go a little bit out of order because I know the process that you went through to do this. Like you said, I cannot remember but one other time maybe that I have been this diligent in being a sponge on content, on one piece of subject matter. I do a year end review every year. I have, in my growth plan, I have daily, weekly, and monthly rigors, rhythms, things that Ive got to deliver every day, every week, every month to compliment the word, the concept. Stay a while. Im delighted today to talk to you about some of the laws of leadership. Okay, can I share with you now? If theyre happy, keep sharing. (0) $399.00. In the first 60 days of a year, Im reviewing it every day. Your Free Minute with Maxwell Subscription includes daily coaching videos delivered straight to your inbox to help you positively impact your own life. You can also join us on YouTube and enjoy this lesson by visual representation of the same content, just go to This week on the podcast, John Maxwell and Mark Cole are back together in person to share inspiring stories of the impact that the Change Your World movement has had around the globe in the first 100 days . You would admit and you did, and I would absolutely back you up on this, the last 90 days, the greatest growth youve had. Because if you can get that word to a simplest form, and then you can get everybody seeing their way to embrace the word from how it will help them, now were on a track to begin to build that plan. Were talking about to the enterprise. And allowed you to come out of that with a tremendous growth plan that well talk about after that. But before we get started, if you would like to download this episodes bonus resource, its a fill-in-the-blank PDF that accompanies Johns lesson. We distilled it down to we had a momentum challenge. You started a journey intentionally the fourth quarter of last year. So I get really human. Grab a pen, grab a paper, get ready to grow. You guys are at different conferences, speakers and meetings. A couple of months old? No, the gardener responded. Your email address will not be published. So lets say you take a team, like our organization, how do you prepare, even those that have the leadership capabilities, how do you prepare them for change, to see the same things that you see and get excited about the overall vision of what that change will give you? Great Leaders Are Great Teachers (Part 2), Great Leaders Are Great Teachers (Part 1), Three Words that Enhance Continual Learning, Transferring the Vision to the Heart and the Head. When Covid hit last year and my travel schedule suddenly . And so growth institutes change, change ensures that we can become better, and so hey, Im excited to start the year off with this and John did an incredible lesson today talking about change starting on the inside. When I got started let me tell you what I didnt have. Theres two things that I want to challenge you to do personally because Im so passionate about personal growth, and its only the, what is this, the 18th of the month? Now the change is starting to get clear to me, but before I implement it, now I put a human element as a second step.. You can change yourself, but I cant change you. How many times have you heard somebody say, I sure hope things will change. Come on, raise your hand. But a real leader takes the time to ask themself if there is anything they could have done differently to have prevented this situation. Then I had other teammates that we just were not out of the starting block yet. Its where you grow when given by the right person in the right manner, and received in the right way.. Rocky said the first thing he would say is hed look at the umpire and hed say, Are you going to get any better or is this it? Are you going to get any better? You can also find all sorts of resources on the Maxwell Leadership app, including this podcast, information on upcoming events, and much more. Its not about you, its about them.. How we can apply these principles from Johns lesson to our own leadership here at Maxwell Leadership. How does that word apply to everybody? This is pure gold, okay? Read my other post on how Leaders Deal With Challenges. Sign up for the Maxwell Leadership Growth Plan! Welcome to the Maxwell Leadership Podcast. In part one, John shares nine observations about the nature of problems and problem-solving. But what I loved about that process, Becky, and you were a part of this obviously, when we asked the question, Whats it like to be on the other side of our leadership? the facts, the statistics, the depth of things that needed to be addressed became much more tangible than intuitive. I see change as opportunity. Can you guess how old these are? Jackson looked at the potted plants and took a guess. I put a human element to George Hoskins that I didnt put with the rest of my leadership team, because George had something right around the corner that this announcement was really going to impact him and his part of the organization. Share Report. You dont go into an opportunity. If you dont like some of the stuff thats in your life, or if you dont like some of the things that youre doing within your life, the only person that can change that is you. Congratulations. Its like almost a selfish question. From John C. Maxwell. My name is Mark Cole and Im the CEO of Maxwell Leadership. For me, I started off with attitude and speaking because I was speaking, I was a pastor. John C. Maxwell, a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker, has sold 30 million books. Well, that has changed a little bit, but Johns mentoring in my life has not changed. It really started their way before the growth plan that well get to. See, leading a hybrid team takes skill, confidence. You can download the worksheet by visiting and clicking "Download the Bonus Resource." Our BONUS resource for this series is the Maximizing the Moment Worksheet, which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John's teaching. Welcome to Maxwell Leadership - Become the leader you were born to be. I want to grow in an area of skill. I certainly hope youll take advantage of that. What Curt was saying is if youre going to grow, you have to be intentional. And it took me years as a leader to figure that out because a lot of times I think, Oh man, I got to work harder. Now heres what I mean by that. 00:40:44 - Today, we're going to talk about all your mistakes! I think you accomplished a year-long process of that in probably just about three days. I heard what it was. So I dont know that theres even a good formula out there that says, This is the way to take an organization through change. But let me tell you some things that have happened recently that I think would give us a type of formula, if you will, or a practice. One night around a dinner table with several other colleagues, John leaned over to me and said, "Mark, if you really want to win with people, say something encouraging within the first thirty seconds of every conversation." I've Read More Those are the ones I left behind. He always does. Its a retreat that I have with myself. In today's episode, John Maxwell teaches how to strengthen your resilience by understanding the best practices for dealing with discou Show Maxwell Leadership Podcast, Ep How to Deal with Discouragement - Feb 28, 2023 Here is John Maxwell. Your Price: $9.99. I know that about you and Im the same way. We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and we hope youre excited for all that this year holds for you. The common language is now not only get rallying us to the vision and the direction I want to take the organization, its rallying all of us in how we all are growing, youre growing. Lets go backwards a little bit. But thats why were going to dig into personal change and getting adapted to that. Business Education Update frequency: weekly I mean, I just worked real hard and, All right, Im going to give them thoughts and ideas and principles and Im going to change people. And after several years, sadly, it took me a long time, you have to understand I was a slow learner, okay? No doubt its one of our iconic words, its one of our iconic focuses, but certainly every leader has a propensity to change, and heres why. Just go to and click the bonus resource button. Mark set the stage and you said, Hey, family rooms sometimes get uncomfortable. Did you know that growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better? Ive got one. What I love about that is that John says, If we want things to get better, then weve got to go after it on a daily basis. Now, Im going to take you down a little bit, if you dont mind, I want to take you down a little bit of a different path than maybe normal. Isnt that good? Remember, were trying to keep this podcast under three hours. "The pessimist . The Best of the John Maxwell Leadership Podcast . All of us have discouragement areas of our life that we wish we grew in. We're actually going to talk about how to make the most of your mistakes! And Becky, it is great to start the year off with you as well. Thats my responsibility as a leader to go and meet the people Im leading, to know where they are and how I can help them get to where they want to go. Man, George, you got it. Episodes. Im sitting here, Becky, Im still laughing about the umpire story to where the question was asked, and I feel like asking myself this question too, and Im going to ask you, Becky, and Im going to ask everybody listening to the podcast, are you guys going to get any better or is this the best youve got? Or if you need to control them. I did not have a plan. I remember this. Then that became at the top of my list. He did it because there was a decision you made a long time ago that were going to focus on growth as much as athletics. Gear Store. So, we wanted to start this year off right by hearing from John Maxwell about personal change. Now, you can bring people around that will add value to you, you can get people around that will encourage you, be great friends, support you, walk through with you, coach you, do all that good stuff, but the only person that can change you is you. Ive been around the block a few times. The reason that letter was so written was because years ago they made a decision, he and Sarah, that they were going to challenge their kids to make personal growth decisions. Nobody ever told me I was supposed to have a plan. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Hes like, Hey, start off by saying whats one area of growth of choice? Yeah, I think it is the problem. I want to challenge you. The reason Im so passionate about personal growth, is personal growth keeps me prepared. How are you growing your team? So take a step, do it again, 10th time, 15th time, and then always I believe that passion and commitment to lean forward and put yourself in a posture or a position to change will make the difference. Im going to work on that. Youre going to hear about this in upcoming podcasts. John teaches, we believe, that the only guarantee for a better tomorrow is change our growth today. Its just so simple. Our BONUS resource for this episode is the "How to Deal with Discouragement Worksheet," which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John's teaching. Add To Cart The 5 Levels of Leadership Maxwell Leadership Podcast Education In this episode, John teaches one of his best-known leadership paradigms, The 5 Levels of Leadership. Then at the end of the week, you may have 12 jots down, you with me? He is a dear friend of the Maxwell Leadership Podcast and of John Maxwell, so we are extremely happy to have Don back for our post game discussion. What are you doing to develop yourself? I have found great leaders create very clear outcomes, expectations of what is expected by the change that were going through. Man, growth can be an uphill battle.
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